Saturday, August 27, 2011

They call it Camp Cupcake but I call it Camp CRAPcake

Qalaa House was a small compound located inside the green zone. I don’t exactly know where the green zone is I Kabul or how big it stretches. I’m still trying to get my directional baring here. It is hard because all the compounds are surrounded with huge walls and on top of those walls are green tarp fences (called sniper blinds). Then when you travel you are in an SUV where the windows are tinted so dark you can hardly see through the windows. It’s practically impossible for me to know where I am in the city. Anyways I digress.
Qalaa House was not my favorite place. It is a predominately Army Corps compound. All the buildings are very close together. You could walk from one end of the compound to the other in 4 minutes and that is at a moseying pace! When I arrived there from the airport the “welcoming committee” did not have their shit together. They had no idea if anyone from New Kabul Compound (NKC) was going to pick me up and basically told me I was on my own until they heard something. Of course here I was in a war torn country where I knew no one, I had just traveled for 24 hours to get there and they couldn’t help me with anything. I felt blessed that they gave me a room to sleep in. Speaking of rooms. I was not expecting what I saw. The “dorms” were basically metal boxes that you see at a ship yard stacked on top of each other with wooden stairs on the outside leading to each floor. The insides were divided up into two bed bedrooms with bathrooms at the end.  Now where I stayed my room opened up to the outside and I had to walk down two flights to the bathroom. Where men and women shared bathrooms. I’m sure I would have gotten use to it but it was shocking at first. I was imaging/expecting an actually building. Not containers stacked on top of each other.
Let’s get into my first impression of the work ethic at Qalaa. The woman who had no idea what to do with me told me that if I needed anything I could find her at either of the smoke pits or at the DFAC (cafeteria). I was like “do you have desk hours?” I mean jiminy crick.  I spent 24 hours there and pretty much observed that people took a lot of breaks! Not the kind of work environment I was looking for.  I shared a room with another lady who was waiting to leave Qalaa but neither of us slept that night. So by the time my people came and got me the next day around 3:30pm. I was thrilled!
My co-worker was the one who came and rescued me from Qalaa House. She told me to pack up my stuff (it was already packed and ready to go) put on my helmet and vest and off we went to wait for Force Protection to pick us up and take us back to NKC. Now please picture me dragging my silver target luggage across gravel roads while wearing my helmet and vest with my new purse strung across my shoulder. I must of looked ridiculous. After waiting on the side of the road for 30 minutes our ride had finally arrived and off to NKC I was bound. (It’s only about a 10 minute drive)
Next blog to come will be about my very messy roommate (yes messier then me) I got assigned to!
Also, I was suppose to have internet and even paid 5000 of some kind of Afghan money for internet in my room. But the darn thing doesn’t work. So I’m taking my loud American mouth back to the provider when he is here on Monday. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dubai to Kabul

My flight from Dubai landed in the Kabul runaway on Sunday afternoon.  The terminal looked like a worn down manufacture plant. I disembarked from the plane onto the tarmac and made my way to the terminal where I first had to go through immigration and show my passport. No issues there. I picked up my luggage in the next room where there were about 15 males trying to help me with my luggage (for money of course). I had to be pretty stern for them to get the point (they didn't like that) and ended up being the 'bodyguard' for the rest of my Corps buddies.
 Next I went through customs with no problems. I should have taken pictures of all this but I was preoccupied with trying not to stick out or get pulled to the side for interrogationJ. From there the group and I walked about two blocks to the secured parking lot where our Force Protection caravan was waiting for us. We put on our tan jump suite, helmet, bullet proof vest, and safety glasses. We were given a safety briefing basically telling us what to do if we were attacked on our way to the compound. After that we were assigned SUV’s. I hopped in the back of a huge suburban and off we went barreling through the city of Kabul with lights and sirens.  It was about a 15 minute drive to Qalaa House Compound where we all taken. Most of us were not going to work at Qalaa House this is just where we were taken to be in processed.
As soon as I have it typed I will tell you my adventures at Qalaa House and how I finally made it to New Kabul Compound (NKC). Hopefully pictures will follow too!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Last Meal....Subway

Most of you know my luck with traveling and once again I have been struck with bad traveling karma. I'm sitting on the floor of Dulles waiting for their very common thunder storms to pass so we can board our flight. I have been here since 2pm but spent most of my time at the USO. I love the USO. They are always kind and helpful. a great organization! They even gave me a premier pass so I didn't have to wait in line at security.

Once in the terminal I went for my "last meal" so to speak. I knew my coworkers would appreciate this picture!

I love me some subway!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Suiting Up In Winchester

I've made it to Whinchester thanks to Aunt Dorothy and Lauren!
They were nice enough to pick me up from Dulles and drive me to Winchester. While here I have been issued my equipment, seen medical (where I had my anthrax shot), and been briefed on various topics. The hardest part has been getting ready by 6:45AM!!! There are about 40 other civilian employees who are deploying with me. However we all seem to be going to different places within Afghanistan. I can't seem to get pictures loaded to this blog through my iPad (I got an iPad and love it). I will work on that!

Ok I got a picture loaded but it is huge. I don't know how to make it smaller. Grrr! You can see my malaria pills at the bottom of the picture. I have to take those everyday for my entire stay in afghan.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The detials are in.

 I will be departing Sacramento on Sunday, August 14th and flying into Washington/Dulles that same day. I then will have to take a driving service (whoop whoop) from Dulles to Winchester where I will spend 4 days at the Deployment Center preparing for Afghanistan.

On Thursday, August 18 I will fly from Dulles to Dubai.

Now what happens in Dubai I'm not entirely sure. I'm hoping when I get to Winchester they will give me the details on how exactly I'm getting from Dubai to Kabul.

Now in order to prepare for the 14 hour plane ride I have ordered myself a TravelRest-The Ultimate Travel Pillow!!!

I'm excited! They even give you instructions on the different ways you can wear it.

How cool is that. Now it doesn't even matter if I get a middle seat!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Beginning

"I'm not going to lie" because D.A.D. hates it when I do that. So let's be honest with each other. Writing & Colby? Can we spell o-x-y-moron? 

Therefore,  I've decided to start a photo blog instead. I think I'll be able to keep up with it longer then journaling. Of course the longest journal I have is about 4 entries within the same year so my standards are low. 

See I'm already tired of this writing thing. More to come later. Fingers crossed.