Friday, January 20, 2012

Colby’s Christmas Crafts, Cookies, and Carols in the Cafeteria

Over the holidays I organized a craft night for Joint Engineering. My original plan was for a few of us to get together and do a few holiday crafts. Then Mom sent me several boxes with all kinds of craft kits. It was amazing. I knew then I needed to plan a larger event. Luckily, a Staff Sergeant got mailed 10 boxes filled with Christmas Cookies. He was worried about how he was going to get rid of them all. I saw it as a great way to add another “C” to my event (Crafts, Cookies). Then an Air Force Capitan came up to asking if he could play carols on his guitar. Of course I had to say yes and we were up to my third “C” (Crafts, Cookies, and Carols). On the day of my Christmas Crafts, Cookies, and Carols it was like pulling teeth to get people to come but once a few trickled in many more followed. Everyone had a blast (check out pictures below). We made ornaments, candy cane mice, snowflakes, and colored Christmas pictures. It turned out really nice and wouldn’t have been possible without Mom!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Down Low on Laundry

Here is the low down on how I get my laundry cleaned at NKC. We are all given a relatively small mesh bag with a colored and numbered draw string attached. We can turn this in anytime between 0800 and 1700 and get our laundry back the next day. Very convenient.
I must admit though that sometimes my brown shirts come back smelling worse than they did when I dropped them off. They smell like those men are wearing my shirts at night to a dance party or the gym. Whatever it is my shirts are definitely getting more action in this country than me.
Now the real question is do they wash our cloths in the bag or not? It is at least a weekly discussion amongst my coworkers. I have concluded that they must wash our clothes in the bags because I always get all my articles of clothing back. Now this makes me think that maybe I shouldn’t be shoving as much as I can in this little bag.
If a piece of clothing happens to go missing in order to claim it you have to take inventory of your clothes before you put them in the bag and turn them in. You write what is in your laundry bag on the receipt that the Afghan workers give you. Then when you pick up your laundry you are suppose to go through it right there, that minute. No wonder, we Americans, have a bad rap. We are throwing our underwear and bras all over the place to make sure each sock has a match.  Needless to say NO ONE inventories their laundry. Luckily this company has their system down pack. All my socks have come back with matches.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It has been awhile

I know! I know! I haven't written in a while. I'm a loser. Mom has told me to just add some pictures if not anything else. So here are some shots from my first vacation to South Africa.

My trip was a blast and I definitely want to go back.