Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's definitely not boring over here...

Ok around 1PM yesterday, 13 September, the 'big voice' (our emergency PA system) went off and we all had to go to hardstands and put on our protection gear. FYI a hardstand are the buildings on our compound that are built to withstand blasts and bullets; similar to bunker.
At that point I got on Google to see if I could find anything out. As you may know the Taliban attacked several government buildings around Kabul. We could hear some of the fire fighting from inside the building. It definitely freaked me out. So I called Dad (sorry dad!) around 2:30 in the morning his time to wake him up so I could cry a little. My expectations for coming over here was for it to be boring and uneventful. So far none of my expectations have been met.
Around 5:30PM we were still in the hardstands with our vests and helmets on. At that point the only information I was getting was from the internet or rumors around the hardstand. Apparently there were some snipers and suicide bombers taking cover in the construction buildings that are in sight of NKC and the US Embassy.  Our Force Protection guys were hard at work protecting us and the US embassy. I am very thankful for those guys.
Around 7:00PM we could finally remove our gear. I was relieved because I was getting antsy and hot. Plus it was hard to concentrate on work.
It is now 9:15AM on 14 September. We are still required to stay in hardstands, wear our protective gear, and movements outside are VERY limited. I have to be escorted to and from my barracks (which is also a hardstand). Our water has been shut down because our septic tanks are full and no one can come on the compound to empty them. Other than that everything is fine. I am very lucky to be located where I am and have great men protecting me.
Love you all!
Group Shot - Before 'shit' hit the fan.


  1. You are all looking good! It is great to hear everyone is safe there...crazy

  2. keep your head down! we love you!

  3. Colby - What a scary time! Hope everything has settled down by now!
